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Why Gold Jewellery Turns Black and How to Prevent It (1)
Why Gold Jewellery Turns Black ? and How to Prevent It

Gold jewellery is a timeless and elegant choice for any occasion. However, sometimes you may notice that your gold jewellery has turned black or tarnished over time. This can be frustrating and disappointing, especially if you have invested a lot of money and emotion in your jewellery. You may wonder why this happens and how you can restore the original shine and beauty of your gold jewellery.

In this blog post, we will explain the common causes of gold jewellery turning black, how to prevent it, and how to clean it. We will also share some tips on how to choose and care for your gold jewellery from Top Gold Shop, the cheapest gold jewellery in Singapore.

Table of Contents

clean a gold jewellery ring with a cleaner

What Causes Gold Jewellery to Turn Black?

it can due to various factors, such as:

Chemical reactions.

Gold jewellery can react with certain substances, such as sulfur, chlorine, perfume, lotion, or even the natural oils from your skin. These substances can cause the gold to tarnish or discolor, forming a black or dark layer on the surface of the jewellery. 

To avoid this, you should remove your jewellery when using any products that contain these substances, or when swimming in chlorinated water.

Metallic abrasion.

Gold jewellery can also turn black due to the friction or rubbing of other metals against the gold. This can happen when you wear cosmetics, such as foundation, powder, or eyeshadow, that contain hard metals that are harder than gold. 

These metals can scratch or wear off the gold, leaving behind black particles on your skin or clothing. 

To prevent this, you should apply your cosmetics before wearing your jewellery, or use mineral-based cosmetics that are less abrasive.

Corrosion of alloyed metals. 

Gold jewellery is often alloyed with other metals, such as copper,

silver, or nickel, to make it more durable and affordable. However, these metals can corrode or oxidize over time, especially when exposed to moisture, air, or heat. This can cause the gold to lose its luster and turn black or dull.

To prevent this, you should store your jewellery in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Clean your jewellery regularly with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or dust.


Turn black due to the exposure to oxygen. This is more common with lower quality gold, such as 10k or 14k gold, which contains more 

impurities or alloyed metals. Oxygen can cause the gold to lose its color and shine, forming a black or brown layer on the surface of the jewellery. 

To prevent this, you should store your jewellery in airtight containers or zip-lock bags, to minimize the contact with air. 

You should also polish your jewellery occasionally with a jewellery cloth or a polishing agent to restore its shine.

How to Prevent Gold Jewellery from Turning Black?

As you can see, there are many factors that can cause your gold jewellery to turn black. However, there are also some simple steps that you can take to prevent or minimize this problem. Here are some tips on how to prevent gold jewellery from turning black:

Choose high-quality gold jewellery.

The higher the quality of the gold, the less likely it is to turn black. Higher quality gold, such as 18k or 24k gold, contains more pure gold and less alloyed metals, 

which makes it more resistant to tarnishing or discoloration. However, higher quality gold is also more expensive and less durable, so you should balance your budget and preferences when choosing your gold jewellery. 

At Top Gold Shop, we offer a wide range of gold jewellery in different qualities and prices, so you can find the perfect piece for your needs and taste.

a gold jewellery necklace from store display

Clean your gold jewellery regularly. 

Cleaning your gold jewellery regularly can help prevent it from turning black, as well as keep it shiny and beautiful. You can clean your gold jewellery at home using some simple household items, such as warm water, mild soap, baking soda, vinegar, or ammonia. 

However,  be careful not to use any harsh or abrasive chemicals, such as bleach, chlorine, or alcohol, as they can damage or discolor your gold jewellery. 

avoid using any toothpaste, baking powder, or salt, as they can scratch or erode your gold jewellery. To clean your gold jewellery, you should follow these steps:

  • Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild soap or detergent. You can also add a teaspoon of baking soda, vinegar, or ammonia, depending on the type of gold jewellery you have. For example, baking soda is good for yellow gold, vinegar is good for rose gold, and ammonia is good for white gold.
  • Soak your gold jewellery in the solution for 10 to 15 minutes, or longer if it is very dirty or tarnished.
  • Gently scrub your gold jewellery with a soft-bristled toothbrush or a jewellery brush, paying attention to any crevices or details. You can also use a cotton swab or a toothpick to reach any hard-to-reach areas.
  • Rinse your gold jewellery with clean water and pat it dry with a soft cloth. You can also use a hairdryer on a low setting to dry your gold jewellery faster and prevent any water spots.
  • Polish your gold jewellery with a jewellery cloth or a polishing agent to restore its shine and remove any remaining dirt or residue.
Store your gold jewellery properly. 

Storing your gold jewellery properly can also help prevent it from turning black, as well as protect it from scratches, dents, or damage. 

You should store your gold jewellery in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. 

Should also store your gold jewellery in airtight containers or zip-lock bags, to minimize the contact with air. 

You should also store your gold jewellery separately from other jewellery or metal items, to avoid any friction or rubbing. 

You can use jewellery boxes, pouches, or cases, to keep your gold jewellery organized and safe. You can also use silica gel packets, chalk, 

or activated charcoal, to absorb any moisture or humidity in the storage area.

How to Clean Gold Jewellery That Has Turned Black?

Your gold jewellery has already turned black, don’t panic. 

There are some ways that you can clean it and restore its original color and shine. Here are some methods that to clean your gold jewellery that has turned black:

Use a jewellery cleaner. 

Use a commercial jewellery cleaner that is specially designed for gold jewellery. You can find these products in most jewellery stores or online. 

Follow the instructions on the product label and use it according to the type and quality of your gold jewellery.

You should also test the product on a small and inconspicuous area of your gold jewellery before using it on the whole piece, to make sure that it does not cause any adverse reactions or damage.

Use a professional service. 

Go to reputable jeweller or a jewellery repair shop, and ask them to clean your gold jewellery for you. They will have the proper tools and equipment to clean your gold jewellery safely and effectively.

They will also be able to inspect your gold jewellery for any damage or defects, and advise you on how to care for your gold jewellery in the future.

How to Choose and Care for Your Gold Jewellery from Top Gold Shop?

Cheapest gold jewellery in Singapore, you should check out Top Gold Shop, the leading online jewellery store that offers a wide range of gold jewellery in different styles, designs, and qualities. 

Whether you are looking for a gold ring, a gold necklace, a gold bracelet, a gold earring, or any other gold accessory, you will find it at Top Gold Shop.

You will also enjoy the following benefits when you shop at Top Gold Shop:

High quality gold jewellery.

All the gold jewellery at Top Gold Shop is made from high-quality gold that is certified and guaranteed. 

You can choose from different types of gold, such as 999 gold, 916 gold,  depending on your preference and budget. To make it more personal and unique.

Affordable gold jewellery. Top Gold Shop, we offer the cheapest gold jewellery in Singapore, without compromising on quality or service. 

We have a low overhead cost and a high turnover rate, which allows us to pass on the savings to you.

We also have regular promotions and Membership, which can help you save even more money. 

enjoy free shipping, free returns, and free repairs, 

when you shop at Top Gold Shop. pay with flexible payment methods, such 

as cash, credit card, or installment plan, to suit your convenience and budget.
Friendly and professional service.

top gold shop banner for blog black

At Top Gold Shop, we value our customers and their satisfaction. We have a friendly and professional team of staff who are ready to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have. 

Fast and reliable delivery service, which can deliver your gold jewellery to your doorstep within 24 hours. 

We also have a secure and easy-to-use website, which can help you browse, compare, and order your gold jewellery online, with just a few clicks. 

Gold jewellery is a beautiful and valuable asset that can enhance your appearance and confidence. 
However, it can also turn black or tarnished over time, due to various factors. To prevent this, you should choose high-quality gold jewellery, clean it regularly, and store it properly. 
Also follow the tips and methods that we have shared in this blog post, to keep your gold jewellery shiny and sparkling.

If you are looking for the cheapest gold jewellery in Singapore, 

Visit Top Gold Shop, the best online jewellery store that offers a wide range of gold jewellery in different styles, designs, and qualities. 

You will also enjoy the high-quality, affordable, and friendly service that we provide. You can also contact us anytime, if you need any help or advice on choosing or caring for your gold jewellery.

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and learned something new. If you did, please share it with your friends and family, and leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for choosing Top Gold Shop, and have a great day. 😊

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